Paulicus Maximus

Welcome to my blog - land of the free and home of the brave!!
I'm definitely on a journey right now. For the better part of my life I thought I had it all figured out. I was walking along, enjoying life. Then about two years ago everything started to fall apart and now I have no idea where I'm headed or how to get there. I realize more each day just how little I really have figured out.

Friday, August 25, 2006

And Then My World Came Crashing Down

Everything was fine yesterday. It was just another normal day. There was no hint of danger or unrest in the air. In fact it was a little boring. It was just the kind of day you would expect some earth-shattering news to be dropped on you from out of nowhere and that's exactly what happened. Apparently, everything I've ever learned is now up in the air. All those fascinating facts I was taught in elementary school are to be viewed with a questioning gaze. Everything is NOT as it seems.

What, you may ask, has caused me such despair? What is it that is giving me such grief? It is nothing less than the "redaction" of Pluto. That's right, Pluto has lost it's planetary status. It has been demoted. What was a cold and barren planet yesterday is now nothing more than a cold and barren rock. I grew up with the sure knowledge that there were nine planets orbiting our sun. I can name them in my sleep (in order no less): Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

I honestly think this was all about towing the party line. Ya see, Pluto has always been a non-conformist. In fact it was so non-conforming that every now and then it would cut in line and become the eighth planet instead of the ninth. In the planetary realm one of these kids was doing his own thing and that just didn't go over with the powers that be. So he gets the ax. Such an unjust ending for a planet that already got dumped on as the smallest and farthest out.

This may not seem like a big deal to you but it's a HUGE deal to me. There are just some things you don't mess with. There are nine planets! Sure, you can flirt with adding more, that's fine. It's okay to add but you just can't take away. I guess the one bright spot is that I can tell my grandkids one day that "I remember when there were 9 planets..." I can tell the story of humble Pluto that used to be.

I guess it's time for a new acronym to help kids remember all the planets in order. My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas becomes My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nuts?? Who knows.

Pluto, we love you and we're going to miss you.


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