Paulicus Maximus

Welcome to my blog - land of the free and home of the brave!!
I'm definitely on a journey right now. For the better part of my life I thought I had it all figured out. I was walking along, enjoying life. Then about two years ago everything started to fall apart and now I have no idea where I'm headed or how to get there. I realize more each day just how little I really have figured out.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

If Not Now, then When?

Yesterday the Oklahoma State Legislature finally got a budget passed. It was nearly a month late and it was nowhere near the budget that either side wanted. Quite honestly I'm incredibly frustrated by what was accomplished. This year's legislature had the job of setting the states largest budget in history due to record revenue collection and there were very clearly two oppossing opinions on what should be done with the money. One side was bent on slashing taxes and the other side wanted to put some money back into government programs, some of which had seen their budgets dangerously slashed in recent years because of an economic downturn.

Now, I'm all about less taxes, who wouldn't be? But I don't think that Oklahoma has a particularly high tax burden and I just believe that the money could be better spent helping those less fortunate, who aren't really even going to be helped by a tax break in the first place. Unfortunately, in the end cutting taxes always trumps bigger government. It goes back to that foundational principle of American culture: I earned it, it's mine, and I should get to spend on me (now where is the Christian principle in that?).

As a result Oklahomans on average are going to pay a few hundred bucks less in taxes each year, but education, health, and human services will continue to be under-funded. The Department of Corrections is still going to require additional hand-outs from the legislature just to make it through the year. And the people in Oklahoma who are most in need are going to feel little relief.

Ironically, the Democrats, who had favored a smaller tax cut and increased spending on essential programs, actually offered a plan that would have helped people and still give tax-payers a break on their taxes. They favored raising the Oklahoma standard deduction to match the federal deduction. That would have saved middle class citizens much more than even the most drastic tax cuts. What it would not have done, however, is give any meaningful breaks to the uber-wealthy who make so much money that raising the standard deduction a couple thousand bucks would simply be a drop in the bucket. It's an election year and the poor and middle class of our state aren't the ones shelling out the bucks.

I guess I don't expect everyone to share my view on this, but I certainly expect Christians to share it. The Bible teaches that "to whom much is given, much is required." That is the antithesis of "it's my money." Further the WHOLE story of Scripture is that we are blessed to be a blessing - from Abraham to Israel to the Church. We live in the most wealthy nation in the history of the world, accounting for approximately 40% of the world's consumption while having only a fraction of the population. It's time for us to quit moaning about what it's costing us and how we've earned it. The idea that everyone can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and that comfortable, middle-class America is attainable for anyone who just works hard enough is a farse! God has blessed us so that we might be a blessing to those who haven't gotten the opportunities and the breaks that we have been given.

In this regard I'm left asking of the state legislature, and particularly Republicans in the state legislature, if not now, then when? If you can't do it in a year of record revenue precisely when are you going to commit to making a difference in the lives of those in need and to improving the quality of life for ALL Oklahomans? In a state that is so proud of it's Christian heritage I expect much more from my elected officials than just the leanest budget they can pass so that I can get a couple hundred dollars back to buy another Ipod or gas up my SUV!


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