Paulicus Maximus

Welcome to my blog - land of the free and home of the brave!!
I'm definitely on a journey right now. For the better part of my life I thought I had it all figured out. I was walking along, enjoying life. Then about two years ago everything started to fall apart and now I have no idea where I'm headed or how to get there. I realize more each day just how little I really have figured out.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I Did It!!

Well it's not official per se, but it's official enough. I graduated!! I found out today that I made an A on my final paper in Daniel/Revelation and that means I passed the class. So I finished my collegiate career at Liberty University with a 3.85. That means that I can tell people I graduated Summa Cum Laude. I may not believe half the things I learned at Liberty but at least I fooled them into thinking I do!! Just kidding, but I certainly think I've earned my Fundamentalism Card.


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