Paulicus Maximus

Welcome to my blog - land of the free and home of the brave!!
I'm definitely on a journey right now. For the better part of my life I thought I had it all figured out. I was walking along, enjoying life. Then about two years ago everything started to fall apart and now I have no idea where I'm headed or how to get there. I realize more each day just how little I really have figured out.

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Gospel as Clear as I've Ever Seen It

There is so much going on these days that it's hard to pick and choose exactly what to blog about. However, there is one blog I've been wanting to write for the past few days and I'm afraid that if I put it off any longer then it will just end up as a thought worth sharing that never got shared. I'm not the first to blog about this and I hope I'm not the last, but I wanted to be sure and share what I believe to be one of the most incredible displays of the lovingkindness of Christ ever given on such a public stage.

This week's attack by a deranged man on a group of innocent Amish students is beyond tragic. You could not find a more glaring contrast than the murderous rage of one man and the peace and compassion of another. This man's attempt to ease the grudge he had apparently been carrying for 20 years provided a backdrop to perhaps one of the clearest depictions of the teachings of Christ that I have ever witnessed. It is so clear, in fact, that it transcends all sorts of social barriers. Who could not be moved to hear that these devoted followers of Christ are, in their own time of great need, making a point to minister to the widow and children of the very one who murdered their children? Who can not be brought to tears to hear of the grandfather teaching a group of boys about the unconditional love of Christ by saying that they can not think evil of this man as they stand over the life-less body of a little girl?

The Amish are a different lot. They go to measures that many of us would consider extreme and unecessary in their devotion to God. How fitting that in this age of vengeance and proportional responses their actions of love and forgiveness also seem extreme. Surely anyone would understand their desire for retribution. Surely anyone could understand their anger and resentment. And yet they believed the one who commanded us to turn the other cheek and to bless those who persecute us. They believe him so completely that even in the face of their greatest loss they hold tightly to the promise that as they mourn they will be comforted.

Not only does their message demonstrate the love of Christ to a watching world, it also serves as a challenge to believers who don't want to admit that they've allowed the teachings of this world to mingle with the true message of Christ. I sit here today with burning coals on my head because I know that many times I have reached the end of my forgiveness. I have been hurt too much to let it go. My love has a limit or a price tag and I've rationalized withholding it from those who have wounded me. This morning I hear the teachings of the savior anew as he calls me to take the heart of a servant and consider others as more esteemed than myself. I hear him calling me to let go of my grudges and my anger and my resentment and to put on love. I can think of no greater testimony to these dear children and their families than to follow them as they have followed Christ and obey.


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