Paulicus Maximus

Welcome to my blog - land of the free and home of the brave!!
I'm definitely on a journey right now. For the better part of my life I thought I had it all figured out. I was walking along, enjoying life. Then about two years ago everything started to fall apart and now I have no idea where I'm headed or how to get there. I realize more each day just how little I really have figured out.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Oh...One More Thing

I've got one more to add to the list from earlier. Can someone explain to me exactly how it is that the existence of gay marriage is a threat to the religious liberty of Christians? I've heard that thrown around A LOT this election season and never with any real explanation as to how that works. I think it would actually be much easier to make a case for the reverse, that outlawing gay marriage is a threat to the religious liberties of others, but I can't figure out how the decisions of individuals within a society can effect my religious liberty in such a way as they describe it. Actually, I could make a case for it but I sure hope it's not the case that those who use that line are trying to make. I mean, I suppose that if a key tenet of my religion was to forcefully impose my beliefs on others, regardless of their own personal beliefs or convictions, then allowing gay marriage could cause me problems. However, since we wrestle not against flesh and blood and since the weapons of our warfare are not physical then I don't see any logic to what they are saying. Unfortunately way too many people just sit and soak it up and regurgitate it to others without any real thought to if it actually makes any sense.


At 11/21/2006 10:10 PM, Blogger Wasp Jerky said...

I suppose Christians might be afraid that if gay marriage is legal, their church might be forced to marry gay people. That seems ridiculous, of course. What gay couple would go to a church that seems to hate them to be married? Then there's the whole defending marriage line of reasoning, although I personally fail to see how or why that's a battle the church should be fighting.

Ah, and then there's the old slippery slope, if gays can marry then people will soon be able to marry dogs line of reasoning.


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